Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Quick shot of the kiddos with daddy right before we left for trick-or-treating. It had been raining for about 2 hours before we left and as soon as we sensed a break in the rain we busted out the costumes and dashed out so we didn't miss our window. But thankfully there was no more rain while we were out! There were knife-like gusts of wind and frigid temperatures, but no rain.

John = Robot, Emily = Goldfish, David = Turtle (sort of)

Mostly, David's trick is being cute.

Happy Halloween, everyone! Hope you all still have your fingers and toes. Mine are recuperating tonight and will hopefully be fully functional again by morning.


  1. too cute! I hope the kids had a great time trick-or-treating

  2. You guys make really cute kids!

