-The last time we experienced temperatures close to 25 degrees, it was in Celsius.
-Three year old boy response to playing in snow for the first time: I am so happy! I am so happy!
-One year old girl response to seeing fat flakes of snow for the first time in her life: (In terrified voice) Pick up please! Pick up please!
-Mom (a Utah native) response after seeing snow for the first time after 3 years: How soon can I fly to the beach?
-Least favorite thing: cold, wet clothes.
-Favorite thing: the quiet.
-Saddest thing: putting away sandals.
-Funniest thing: kids will play outside by themselves because they think dogs don't like snow (they're terrified of dogs).
This is going to be an interesting winter.
Ben is also experiencing snow for the first time (in his memory). We all love it! Every time it snows (3 or 4 in the last month!) they are out the door!